The study guide we have laid out for you below will help you complete this module with ease and in a timely manner. We recommend going through each step in the study guide as it is to get the most results out of it. Alternatively, feel free to extract the necessary information you need and prepare your own study guide that fits your daily routine. Keep in mind that in the end, it is your hard work and effort that will bring you success. So without further ado let us begin our study journey..
Step 1 – Download the note-taking guide
Before diving into the course material blindly, it’s crucial to first understand the expected learning outcomes for each topic. This initial step will help you align your study efforts with the specific objectives of the module, ensuring that you focus your attention on the most relevant content. By grasping the intended outcomes, you can tailor your study approach to effectively meet the goals of the course. Navigate to the below-mentioned location to find the note-taking guide.
- Log into the WGU student portal > Click on the Degree Plan > Find and open the module “Managing in a Global Business Environment WGU D080” > Open the “Course Search” section > Find the link “D080 V3/FVC1 V4 Managing in a Global Business Environment Study Guide”
Download this document and keep it handy to be easily accessible when going through the course content.
Step 2 – Go through module videos
We will start our studies on this module by utilizing the module videos as our first study resource. The D080 module is largely known as a very theory-heavy module with a large amount of content to go through and memorize. So instead of going through the reading material, we recommend you first watch all the topic-based videos provided by WGU. These videos will take you through each topic of D080 and give you an initial understanding of the content. As these videos are conducted by the course instructors, they will discuss the topics in a very easy-to-understand manner which even a beginner in this field will be able to understand with ease. Additionally, as the course, instructors are well experienced in the study material and information on the OA, they will provide you with valuable advice on how to tackle the difficult areas of the course content and how to effectively study up to face the final challenge.
To find the module videos,
- Log into the WGU student portal > Click on the Degree Plan > Find and open the module “Managing in a Global Business Environment WGU D080” > Open the “Course Search” section > Find the link “D080/FVC1 Topic Videos”
Going through the module videos will give you a massive advantage by letting you get a feel for the course content and preparing you to deep dive into the core concepts of the Textbook. So take your time and understand the information provided in these videos to make your study journey more effective going forward. Take short notes on the knowledge shared to help you commit the information to your memory.
Step 3 – Complete the Textbook
Now that you have a basic understanding of the overview of each topic and the core concepts, let us start deep diving into the course content and study the course material to its maximum extent. The WGU provided Textbook for module D080 is a great resource to equip yourself with the knowledge required to pass the OA. It contains a full walkthrough of each topic, supplemental videos as well as knowledge checks, and topic-end quizzes to test your knowledge. Utilize all of these materials to go through the core concepts of D080 and clearly understand the course material. To find the Textbook,
- Log into the WGU student portal > Click on the Degree Plan > Find and open the module “Managing in a Global Business Environment WGU D080” > Click on “Go to course materials”
When you are reading through the Textbook, make sure to fill out the note-taking guide we have downloaded in the first Step. Answer each and every question in that document with the knowledge you gain from the Textbook. Once you complete the document, you will be able to utilize it as your short notes and you can refer back to it anytime you need to refresh your knowledge.
Make sure to focus on modules 2 and 5 in your studies to prepare yourself for the OA. As we have identified, these modules are really significant when it comes to the final assessment and the questions are more weighted on the knowledge of these topics.
Step 4 – Prepare for the D080 OA
Let us put the knowledge we have gained into practice and test our skills by attempting practice quizzes and mock assessments in the 4th step of our study guide. As we are about to sit for the OA, this will ensure our success in our first attempt. First, navigate to the location mentioned below and go through the video “Practice problem review” to go through a Q&A session with one of the course instructors.
- Log into the WGU student portal > Click on the Degree Plan > Find and open the module “Managing in a Global Business Environment WGU D080” > Open the “Course Search” section > Find the link “D080 Course Resources Pages” > Go to “VIDEOS” section and click on the link “Practice Problem Review”
After you have completed the video, we will attempt the Pre-Assessment of module D080. Keep in mind that this is the final preparation step before we attempt the OA. So, ensure you are well-prepared to take the Pre-A to gauge the knowledge you have gathered so far. It’s important to approach the Pre-A as if it were a real exam, allowing you to accurately assess your readiness for the OA. If you identify any gaps in your knowledge of the course content, we recommend revisiting those topics for revision before starting the Pre-A.
To begin the Pre-A, navigate to the home page of the “Managing in a Global Business Environment WGU D080” module and scroll down to find the link to the Pre-assessment. Click on the “TAKE NOW” button to initiate the Pre-A.
Once you have completed the Pre-A, a coaching report will be autogenerated in the same section of the home page. The coaching report showcases your understanding of each topic in the module. This will help you clearly identify your weak points so you can revisit these topics before moving to the final assessment. Use the note-taking guide that you have completed during your studies as well as the Textbook to revise your knowledge of these weak points.
If you have failed the Pre-Assessment in your first attempt, retake it again after revisiting your weak points. Try to achieve a score of more than 85% on the Pre-A. If you were not able to achieve the score on your first attempt, repeat the step until you are competent enough to achieve this score.
Step 5 – Face the D080 OA
You are now well-prepared to tackle the final assessment of D080. First of all, congratulate yourself for coming this far on your journey. You have done all the hard work on this module, and the only thing that remains is to tackle the final hurdle.
We recommend that you schedule the OA as soon as possible after completing the Pre-A. This will allow you to take the OA with the same knowledge you had when you passed the Pre-A.
Before taking the assessment, go through the content in modules 2 and 5 once more. Then make sure that you are in a quiet and calm environment so you can focus on the assessment and nothing else. Ensure you have a stable internet connection, a webcam, and a microphone. Read through the proctoring instructions and rules carefully. And most of all, be confident in yourself… you got this!!
We wish you all the best on your OA. If you have followed the study guide step by step, you will ace the assessment in no time.