Detroit Free Press from Detroit, Michigan (2024)

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RICK 0 bbls prime quality Rice for sale be ap5 G'fcJGHHL DRIED APPLES 300 bush dried apples just received and for sale by JOHN CHESTER A CO CHERRY DWAR PEAR TREES AC lot just received by HUBBARD A DAVIS at tlieir Nursery Springwells on the Gov Porter artn Orders for Trees may I at the Store of WALKER 39 Woodward Avenue aplUdtf TABLE PIANO COVERS assortment ot Cotton Linen Worsted and Embossed Woolen Table Corr era also a fow toper Piano Covers myA GEO PEASE A CO $5 Ave Department REPORTED accusers has sent to my 3m ANBI RG 20CO Bs just received and for sale by ap24 Sc HILL Bank will be Treasury to National from the defeat of and Vir is well suggested that in the new Home Department created by the Government a bureau of Agriculture should be established Perhaps in no country in the world where Agriculture forms so chief a staple of wealth and prosperity has there been so little fostering care extented to it by the Government as in the United States True Agri culture has the stamina within itself to support and protect itself but Government might do much to expand and facilitate its operations A bureau of Agriculture whose business it should be to gather annual statistics of the products of the country and institute a system of judicious prizes for the best method of tilling various soils and the largest production of the best grains fruit etc on a given space of soil as also for the rearing of the best cattle horses and other domestic animals would have a powerful influence in stimulating the farmer to extraordinary exertions To Stop the Bleeding at the Nose Dr Negrier a rench surgeon says that the simple elevation of a arm will always stop bleed ing at the nose He explains the fact physiologi cally and declares it a positive remedy It is cer tainly easy of Scientific American Onions An English paper says that mixing lime with manure will prevent the worm and rot in onions MARRIED In St Church on the hist by the Rev Dr arnan Thomas Howricun to Miss Julia both of this (UThe Whig papers all over the Union are at this time busily engaged by the most strenuous and ingenious reasoning in endeavoring to prove that turning out of office a Democrat who is hon est capable and faithful to the Constitution to make place for a Whig is not for We congratulate them on the improvement they have made in discovering that alter Cincinnati Demo crat A Great Nursery Perhaps the greatest nursery in the world is in Holstein a Danish province It consists of 180 acres and requires on an average 130 men and twenty women to cultivate it Eeighty packers are em ployed during the packing season The annual profit for the last thirty years has averaged $15000 though at one time the sale of dahlias alone netted $50000 per annum and to which eleven acres are still devoted Some rare Orch ideous plants sell for $300 each Of this family of plants they have 2000 varieties and 2000 of the dahlia The collection of ornamental trees is enormous better harvest next summer from the face of the the richnesss of the soil the enterprise of our farmers we see no reason why Ionia county is not destined to be one of the best agricultural counties in the State We do not hear of short crops as is generally the com plaint most every where else and our natural ad vantages are inferior to none and decidedly super ior to those of three fourths of the counties in Mich igan Settlers are appreciating these things and are pouring in upon us at a rapid rate Raising more ruit When Dr Dwight first removed to New Haven there was but lit tle fruit raised there lie urged his neighbors to plant more fruit trees but they said it was of no use for the boys would steal all the fruit Plant more fruit was the answer Make good fruit plenty and it will not be plundered ifteen years afterwards he pointed tothe abundance of fruit and the absence of pillage then enjoyed in proof of his principle Extracts prom the Creed We believe in small farms and thorough cultiva tion We believe in large crops which leave the land better than they found it We believe in going to the bottom of things and therefore in deep ploughing We believe that the best fertility of the soil is the spirit of industry enterprise and intelligence without this lime marl plaster bones and ma nures are of little use DIED At Kalamazoo on the 4th inst Sylvester Axtel jr aged 40 years of a digsectian waund which was received while discharging the duties of his profession on a post mortem exami nation of a recently deceased body at the solicitation of the friends of the deceased Thus has another martyr been sacrificed upon the altar of the healing art to ameliorate the condition of man upon earth by looking int the latent causes of death! Dr Axtel was at the noon day of bis capacity and usefulness of high promise of good mental ability with a inind well stored with general science and a skilful practitioner A young and recently married wife a dis consolate mother father brothers and sisters mourn his loss and venerate his memory In his death community has lost an inval uable and skilful physician society an ornament the poor a friend and benefactor and the church a conscientious ardent and Ann supporter ront his recent associations hopes and antici pations his case truly verifies the poet where he moment we begin to lire that moment we begin to die' On the $lh inst Mr Samvel Camp late of Whitesboro Onei da Co A' in the 75th year of his age His friends as also the friends of his sons in law Messrs A Walcott and Savage are invited to attend his funeral on Thursday morning at 10 from the residence of Mr Sav age Jefferson avenue corner of Brush St ITUtica papers please copy A CARD MR HENSSLER late of Her Theatre Italian Opera London and afterwards Chorus master at the Italian Ope ra in New York begs to inform the ladies and geutleinent of De troit that he will give lessons in Singing andon the Piano during his residence in Detroit or terms and particulars information can be had at Music Store Mr Henssler refers to Col A Williams and Mr A Couse Either a Gentleman or Lady with a good voice will be taught singing free on condition that he or she will assist him in concerts NORTHWESTERN MARINE INSURANCE COMPANY Detroit Agency The undersigned has resumed the Agency of Unsold and well known company and is prepared to take risks on Kessels Steam Boats and Cargoes on as reasonable terms as any other responsi ble company Office adjoining Charles Howard fc Counting Room lie Iroit anil CHARLES HOWARD The late Geo Barker We see it an nounced in the Buffalo papers that the compiler of the writings speeches sentiments Sic of the late George Barker has completed his task and that he has produced a book of some 220 pages 05 The Supreme Court of Louisiana have deci ded that: Persons not parties to a note who put their names upon it as endorsers are presumed to have done so as sureties and are liable in solido unless they demand a division The exception of a division is a peremptory one which must be specially pleaded it cannot be supplied by the Court When the exception is pleaded by one surety it is competent for the to prove the insolven cy of the other surety (lyThe Galena and Chicago Railroad is only in operation to Des Plain River about twelve miles and twelve hundred and twenty one passen gers have been carried over the road during the month of April tolls received on the Illinois and Michi gan Canal for nine days at Chicago was $2 68611 A Railroad The steamboats on the day line between New York and New Haven have been taken off because they could not compete with the cars in time and price Moulthrou Jr of East Haven us a basket of eggs the product of one hen and a very cute old biddy she is It is singular fact that under Mr Polk's administration her eggs were unusually large but since inauguration they are smaller and smaller down to one no larger than a egg She evidently thinks this day of small and means to be in the fashion Haven Hegister Strawberries A gentleman who is said to be a very successful grower of strawberries told me his plan is the following He makes the substra tum of his strawberry beds of stone or rubbish and does not put more at most than 6 inches of earth over this He attaches great importance to this as he says when plants can throw their roots in a deep soil they produce leaves not fruit secondly in winter he covers them lightly with straw pea haulm izc and thirdly in the spring iie top dres ses them with leaf mould He has beds which hav borne prolifically for five years Mjithout be ing removed Chronicle Mr Hannegan This gentleman we under stand has recently received a letter from the Hon' Daniel Webster explanatory of the late published letter of this gentleman in which a handsome compliment is paid Mr Hannegan by his recent illustrious associate in the Senate and lettersof in troduction given him to distinguished men at the Court of Berlin It seems that Mr Webster ob jected appointment on constitutional grounds merely and not because he thought the nomination to be Lafayette Jour Ex President Polk makes Nashville his per manent residence He has purchased and rebuilt the mansion which was occupied by the late Judge Grundy Ohio papers caution the public against I the bills of the Bank of Massillon Ohio i RENCH BROAD CLOTHS! (SPRING IMPORTATIONS) EAGLE ELLIOTT Cl Woodward Anruu Land i Block have this day ufieiied a splendid stock of rench Clothsand Doeskin received direct from the import ers of the most approved brands viz: Bioley tc 'h Electoral Royal Belgian 4tc which they will sell at New York job bers price? Oxford Mixed Doeskin Casimere Military Stri ancy rench Cawirneres Domestic Tweeds all wool and Silk warp rench Habit Cloth black blue and brown a beiutiffll article for summer wear Silk Serges ine Black Satin Worsted Serge? Slate and Buff Linens Linen Lustres Tailors Trimming? of best quality Merchants and Tailor from the interior will find it particular Mien uuvaiiuure vu tAuiiiue uurbtocK or imDortea imns neiia purchasing elsewhere EAGLE ELLIOTT m2 til Woodward Avenue Saw Mill for Sale THE Subscriber offers for sale his Saw Mill on tbe lint Hirer at lushine in tlie county of Genesee The building is 7 lby 50 with addition for lath machines haring in il two saws abi ding machine and Lath machine alt in good order for buiines Direct roads are now being opened and improved to Argentine Byron Shiawassee and Corunna through which a territory equal in extent to two counties will come for pine lumber Ixatscin be procured on the banks of the river above and floated to tbe mill at a trifling expense The surplus lumber can be sent down the river to Saginaw is high waler and it is believed that soon there will not be aplacsia the state possessing greater advantages for selling at the mill ai4 disposing of the surplus About half the water power of the riv er or less will be sold with the mill together with the mill yard house office bam Ac convenient for carrying on the Purines The price will be from 835410 to 86000 depending on the quan tity of waler and the buildings wanted Also a quantity of PINE TIMBERED LANDS on lint Riser will be sold with the mill or separate ifdesired The terms of payment will be literal Inquire of the subscri ber or Mr John Hallock on the premises or of Mr Charles Sey mour at lint JAMES SEYMOUR lushing April 14 1849 Receipts of Merchandize A Potter Kalamazoo 1 ltr STaushs Jackson 291 Hale Smith Lake Skinner ix lb: VV Clark Dowagiac 21 Voorheis Ann Arbor S' illiatus Goodrich Pontiac 16 Groans The Tribune groans over the whig members of congress in Connecticut ginia It says: The loss of Goggin in the ifth District Virginia if we have lost him is a serious calamity He is not only a true hearted genuine Whig but one of the most industrious men of the last Con gress As Chairman of the Committee of Post Office and Post Roads he rendered eminent ser vices to the country and it will be difficult to sup ply his place We can ill afford to lose such men as Goggin of Virginia and Rockwell of Connecti cut The Advertiser the whig paper in Detroit has come out in favor of a compromise of the free terri tory question Chicago Democrat The Advertiser during the last Presidential cam paign advocated the election of Gen Taylor on the free soil ground and opposed Gen Cass with much bitterness because as it charged he would compro mise the rights of the free States by truckling to the South The anxiety of Gen Taylor for the success ot Mr amendment to the Cali fornia bill and the expectancy of office has worked a marvellous change It lays professed principles on the altar of self interests forffear of being ned" upon by a President who went in to the Presidential Chair with a pledge to the people that he had no purposes to accomplish no par ty projects to build no enemies to no thing to serve but my that he would not be the mere President of a party but would independent of party and the government untrarnmeled by party Whiggery seeking office and whiggery in power are very different It is so now and so has it ever been Their promises have well been likened to Sea fruits which tempt the eye But ashes (urn upon the or in more homely prase to pie crust which is made but to be broken Ohio Statesman Loyalty The Coburg Star says the fire was raging in the Parliament buildings the cry was raised that the portraits of Her Ma jesty in the library would be burned Immedia tely a rush was made ladders procured and some brave fellows although blinded by the smoke and singed by the fire succeeded in rescuing the che rished image of Her Majesty They were received by the crowd below with the most enthusiastic cheering and immediately the National Anthem was raised by six thousand British voices and the chorus rolled through the city like thunder Save the Queen As a Yankee we would sooner plead guilty to the charge of selfishness and cupidity that British tories assail us with than be found exhausting all our patriotism in shouts for the preservation of the pic ture ot a temaie automaton while our archives were being licked up by flames incendiaries torch Rock Mt Burtiius of the Canadian Parliament Home The Montreal correspondent of tbe Courier states that the indignant demonstration in Montreal which resulted in the destruction of the 1 arliament House was not the work of the rabble but of several hundreds of respectable persons men who on all ordinary occasions would be as fierce in maintain ing the law and respect for authority as they were now in violating both The writer adds: I believe that hardly any thing was saved the two magnificent libraries of the Upper and Lower House numbering not far from 50000 volumes the rolls of Parliament: the numerous copies of the statutes and journals the records an immense mass of private papers involving to a great extent the fortunes of individuals the pictures with an exception or two: the whole of the furniture were burnt up like tinder A more fearful sight 1 never saw Many persons who were in the place es caped with the utmost of difficulty among them Sir A McNab the Hon Mr Badgley and two or three other gentlemen who had been attempting to save some of the books in the library ess than half an hour the whole of the long range was one mass of fire the ruddy flames pouring out from every window bursting through the roof with a terrific roar There teas not the slightest attempt made to save the Houses from deduction! 1 he great majority of the fire companies were concerned in the outbreak conspicuous by their scarlet cloth ing not onedrop of water would they pour on the houses of Parliament but they exerted themselves to the utmost when the flames communicated to the adjoining buildings! The only anxiety displayed bv anv of the bystanders was that the two superb pictures of the Queen should be saved and both ol them were carried out but I fear much injured One of them only arrived here last summer at a cost to the Province of six hundred pounds Gen Taylor's Interference with The Hon Giddings attended the Conven tion of the of the Western Re serve nt Cleveland last week and he made a speech in substance as follows: Mr Giddings was loudly called for' and he took the stand? He explained the grounds on which this new party was based and claimed that it was distinct from all others He soon called the atten tion of the audience to Gen administration and asked for the evidence of his devotion to the principles of freedom He dwelt with much feeling and effect upon the horrors of the slave trade in the District of Colum bia: the efforts of himself Gott Root Palfrey and others in the last Congress to abolish the ac cursed traffic there He pointed out the whig mem bers of the north who had voted to repeal Gott's resolution and showed how they had each and all been rewarded by Gen Taylor since his installa tion Truman Smith had been tendered the home department with a salary of $6000 Brady of Pa a salaried office of $3000 Irvin of Pa a salary of 6 or $7000 Edwards of Ohio Superintendent of Hospitals Mr said that much as he had denounced Mr Polk for rewarding northern traitors neither he nor Gen Jackson nor any other President had ever prostrated his executive office to that degree to uphold slavery in the Dis trict of Columbia as had Gen Taylor within the first four weeks of his administration He repeated the charge made at Warren con cerning Gen interference with members of Congress said the National Intelligencer confessed but attempted to avoid the charge He said that question would most likely come up at the next session when lie snouia meet ms face to face Cholera at Passengers that came over from Chicago on the cars Monday night re port several cases of the cholera as having occur red in that city The City papers of Saturday say nothing in regard to the epidemic and if the report is true the cases have no doubt occurred among passengers who have arrived by the Illinois canal from St Louis and the cities on the Missis sippi People should be cautious about giving credit to every idle report put in circulation as it only multiplies and magnifies by traveling When any real cases of the Asiatic Cholera does take place we shall probably be informed of it through the Board of Health of that city The President of the Board has issued a caution the citizens strangers and emigrants to be watchful of health and above all on the very first approach or appearance of disorder of the stomach and bowels to take good counsel and proper remedies in the very onset of any such disease as Diarrheau Chol era Morbus or the like All Doctors agree that the chances of cure are increased perhaps an hundred fold when the remedies are applied to the very first or premonitory symptoms of this epidemic plague Bonnet rihhons a ARTiricuu Ewr variety of style for Spring and Slimmer rich handsome ut cheap to be had at the store of GEO PEASE 55 Woodward Avenue The extensive failure of that rotten institri list of finan The Expedition of Sir John ranklin The utmost efforts of the British Government to unravel the mystery that hangs over the Expedition of Sir John ranklin had up to last accounts from Eng land produced no definite results The object was the discovery of a northwest passage to the Pacific often attempted but never successful and Sir John ranklin in May of 1845 left England under the auspices and patronage of the Government Two fine ships composed the expedition the Erebus and the Terror and were manned by 138 men Noth ing has been heard of him since July 1845 Three expeditions were sent in 1847 in search of him but as yet they have made no report of success in their mission and of two nothing has been heard at all Renewed efforts are to be made under the promise of large rewards to find this daring navigator but the prospect of success does not seem very flattering as the large amount of the reward offered by the British Government and Lady ranklin would im ply The whig State Convention met at Nashville on the 23d of Apr and nominated Gov Neil Brown for re election The Nashville Banner whig General Trousdale for his private virtues and honors him for his public Of course the Banner will not feel very bad when it learns that the dem ocrats have elected Gen Governor In one spot at least in this country MayDay is ap propriately honored It is at Catskill There on the highest village grounds with the noble Hudson at their feet the glorious old mountains in the dis tance and the radiant valley of the Catskill between the Maypole goes up crowned and garlanded with flowers a procession of perhaps forty young girls clad in white and accompanied by twelve flower (rirls from the beautiful cortege of the fair young Queen of May preceded by the Bishop for the co ronation and the Lady Hope prototype of that hap py age and the accompaniest let us trust per haps less vivid of all ages Thus they proceed to the May pole where after the coronation ceremonies the address of the Bishop and the replies of the Queen and the Hope they dance around the pole in grateful homage to the day and its reign ing sovereign forming altogether a delightful and refined pastime which if the over wise and se date reject beauty and youth and innocence greatly enjoy Long may the custom live in the obser vance Alb Argus Canadian News The news from Canada which comes to us by installments is particularly interest ing and exciting But we confess we can see in it no great promise of particular good to Canada except incidentally and morally It comes from the wrong party the tories who are out of power and provoked that rebellion losses are paid by a Liberal Parliament Having no idea of ever re belling themselves they dislike to see such a pro cedent set They look upon it as a premium upon rebellion which they think will never bring any thino to their pockets We do not see in this matter any just invocation for rebellion There is no act of oppression of the Home Government of which they complain It is an act of their own Parliament a legislature elected by themselves and will of course be supported by the liberal party Roch Adv Ten per cent Investments We hear of many investments under our new and salutary interest laws profitable both to lender and borrower The securities are ample and the money is generally loaned for five years at 10 per cent payable semi annually A million of dollars could be thus invested in Illinois upon the best securities in the world Chicago Dem Coal and Wood A considerable quantity of excellent wood is being imported from Canada ports as well as from the lumber regions in the States We notice excellent beech wood as good as hic kory selling at $350a400 per cord from vessels There is no lack of fuel this spring Erie coal from vessels by the cargo sells at $350a400 By retail at $400a450 Anthracite coal is worth $1250 per ton Chicago Dem NEW EXPRESS LINE GREENE CO having ertablLhed an Eipresa Line from New York to the West ria Albany Butfalo are pre pared to forward goods and packages of all kinds with safety and dispatch Each Express in charge of trusty niewengers Packages will be forwarded to anv part of the East or South and reight of all kinds taken through" to New York at Rail OICES No Exchange St Buffalo xi i naupi Aew xorK Supposed Cases of Cholera in Morgan Co The Chicago Democrat says the Morgan Jour nal alludes to some cases in that county of sup posed poisoning The wife and two daughters of a Mr Leighton on Indian Creek were seized with a fatal illness which carried them off in a few hours after the attack An inquest was held but it was the opinion of physicians that there were no grounds for a suspicion of poison and though opinions differ as to the cause it is believed upon the whole to have been cholera Ionia County in this The Editor of the Gazette has recently traveled through this coun ty and speaks in this manner of the country and and prospects There is no better land out and it should be seen to be appreciated but hear one who has looked at it: Tn making a visit recently to North Plains we saw some large flourising looking wheat The farmers told us that their wheat never looked We shall look forward lor an aounoant rom what we have seen Double barrel stub twist shotguns Revolvers Powder lasks Best Caps Cut Wads De coy Ducks Shot Belts Ac GEO DOTY m4 2w Jeff Avenue I orrtes or ut Diitv Ditkoit ui Detroit May 9 Is49 There xvas a perfect stagnation in the markets yesterday but fexx buyers or selleis to be found that we could hear oC a transaction fell under our qlmervatton during the day despatches from Hie east il was said reported llteoss firm We quote the range of viexxs of buyers and sellers froa 65 to 8350 according to the lots and brands Tbe xve haard made xvas 8370 for one straight lot of 2ou bbls? Business around the docks was not as brisk as usual owls the non arrix al of boats trom lielotv There was er little chandize receiving rs Theexportsof Chicago since the opening vivsllon 4th inst of a lewofthe principal articles are as follows I heat bu 326316 loer 11a Beef bbls 7315 Pork Hams 345 laard hhds 22 Tallow tes Butter Sugar bbls lint urs sP Hides No 6656 Wool This leaves about one half of the wheat in store at tilt not yet shir ped and but a small amount offlour beef and anrT There is considerable activity in lhc lumber Irade at lhal and orders are coming in from the Himon river and along the of the canal We glve the market as nkea from yy Prices vary but little from tbo ot last season perhaps a hj lower hear of a sale of a cargo ywterttay ftr boarJs shingles SU5 We quote lor the eity corn 30c in the ear 2a meal uy mills jl d'ta country brands I potatoes beaus gt mess S9S925 hams GSBjc shoulders 4 butter 7 a 1 rfPliCHd In iIa 1 a by Daaorrut quotes freights at 5c for wheat as ibetugt I Misses a hosiery agloves All kinds colors qualities and prices can be round at uiy4 GEO PEASE A Timothy a clover seed for sale by i ap30 PARKER A BRO KILN DRIED CORN 3bblsofasuperff quality from the Excelsior Mills Dayton just received and for sale by ml HUDSON fc JOHNSON LIVER VII I In offering this medkipl to the public the proprietors are well aware that theytahl to encounter a hostility generated by the countless impositnul which have been palmed upon the public under the shape of pa 1 tent medicines We are convinced however that it is only ae cessary to give their remedy a trial to place it in public estirrmia far above all medical agents of the kind ever ottered to the puUk1 It is the invention ot an enlightened experienced and learaHl physician ho for many yeays used it in his own practice wba i ts great success induced him to offer it to the public at Urge or sale holesale and retail by JOHN OWEN Co It COBS A GARRISON JG HILL and ARRANH I Detroit and by druggistsand merchants generally throughout i state Success Ibe Ke ward of COMMON LAMBIE THANKLUL for past favor? would say to their mankind in general that they are prepared with an eicelkM assortment of Cloths Cussimercs and Vestings resh from the first market to attend to udj thing connected the Tailoring business in the bust manner and at price lows an enlightened and reasonable cornmunitv can desire COATS VESTri PANTS Drawers' Sharts Socks IIJU Suspenders Alc Ate fur sale cheap COMMON LAMBIE Detroit May 7 Next door to Exchange Otfiee The contest in Indiana is being carriedon with vigor The election takes place in August There can be no doubt that the democrats will gain one or two members of Congress quite probable that the next House of Repre sentatives will be democratic If the State elec tions were to be had over again the result would be very different from last fall It seems impossible whigs to (keep power after they get it 7 SlOO BEWABD A NUMBER BUOYS recently placed bv the government to mark the channel on St Clair lat? having disappeared under circ*mstances inducing the beliefthat tliev were intention ally carried away a Reward of ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS is offered for the detection of any person or persons who have in tentionally removed or destroyed them to be paid on conviciion of the offender or offenders Detroit May IMP HAMMOND l3w Collector and of Lights Dist of Detroit a BUHL have received tlieir Summer supply of goods by Railroad and Steam comprising a verv large and good stock of leghorn Panama Luton Braid China Pearl Manilla and a treat variety of Palm Leaf Hats from a very loxv price to the finest trimmed and untrimmed Also a large stock of Sdk ur and Wool Hats of almost all shapes and styles and a very general and large stock of Caps adapted to ibe season tor men buys and children added to their own manufac ture enables them to say with confidence that their stock islar and complete All of which they wish to sell at Wholesale or Re tail at very low prices They have also a well selected stock of Cravats Gloves 'sus penders Umbrellas Canes Ac Detroit May 8 1M9 Jefferson Arenae To the Governor the Honorable jnentbers of the t' LegislaiV'VC and the voters of the town of Alen 1 dale Ottawa Mich I I Excuse the liberty that we use the public press to address you We know of no better way We wish to express our dissatisfac tion over the new acf passed by the legislature last winter forming a new town named Aleudale from the towns 5 6 7 of 14 So soon as the location for the Holland Colony was made in 1847 we did get formed the town Holland containing town 5 14 15 and 16 In 1847 we could not organize for want of legal voters In 1848 we were according received counsel and our petition brought under the care of town Ottawa for one year We were glad to reach 1849 and to see our officers home the different villages and settlements brought their wishes to the town meet ing by committees the different offices were spread as much as possible through the Colony the plans for roads and road work were settled school mat ters were regulated and now we who had lived about without law for two years (except the Jaws for the collection of taxes) were pleased with our prospect and were anxious to work out our plans But 1 but I 1 some days after town meeting we hear that all those of us residing in town 5 14 are separated from the Colony and brought somewhere else to be used to strengthen those towns with which we have nothing to do We do ask you gentlemen and the whole Michigan public may we for the reasons that we yet strangers and not voters be thrown without our consent and knowledge where self interested people will bring us I Have the few inhabitants of town 6 7 NofR 14 power to over rule our pure local matters and that with disregarding the interests and wishes of more than two hundred families Is that just? can anybody bring and carry and pe tition in the legislature concerning our local mat ters without our knowledge and consent If so then we may with fear ask what will come next But are we not under a Democratic govern ment where the people have right to judge and act forthemselves We pray you gentlemen protect our rights Grand River neighborhood you hav not respected our rights it is not the fruits of your love towards us that you bring us under your care you are not anxious to look after our recorded but deplorable roads and to spend your time in an dis tant corner of the town We love freedom we hate over ruling from a man: we have tasted both we are awakened and tender for it therefore neigh bors deal not with us also let us then rather alone Gentlemen we pray protect our rights and preserve us from the tender mercies of interested speculators The Holland Colony is one flocked together in this wilderness by influence of religion and desire for freedom: we know and estimate our solid ties therefore let nobody try to divide us It will not bring a blessing upon his head and we pray the government and legislators to look at our historical being and to respect it Gentlemen with the most respect we remain to be your humble servants A Van Raalte and 424 others Holland Ottawa Co Mich April 24 What will the Administration Recommend? It'is rumored in some of the papers near Wash ington that Mr Meredith is busily employed on an examination of the Independent Treasury with a view of suggesting important modifications and of preventing the accumulation of specie in the various With him it is understood that the present independent system is condemned in advance but what may be urged as a substitute remains to be learned He dare not advise the in corporation of another National Bank for the of about the last was too strong for honest noses The pet bank system is condemned by all save the few Conservatives of the Rives and Talmadge school The Tyler Exchequer has but few supporters and never had many has been so savagely assailed by Clay Co as well as by Democrats that the present Secretary will not venture to meet the wrath of Achilles who is to be once more in the Senate to avenge himself and friends The new Secretary is in It will not satisfy his party to remain in statu quo nor will they agree upon any proposition which may be urged on their attention Gen Taylor Party A part of the political moonshine of Taylorism before election was that by his quiet impartial was going to allay if not wholly extinguish party spirit How he has carried out this pledge may be seen in the indiscriminate pro scription of democrats holding office during the last two months and also in spir it with which democrats are assailed by the con fidentail and pampered organ of the administra tion at Washington Read the following from the National Whig: from the very nature of their creed and political objects are habitual vow The whole constitution of their profession ot faith is at enmity with their practice They say one thing and do another They seldom keep a politi cal promise They make pledges to break them They talk loudly of their purity and execute cor ruption They boast of equal rights to all and confine them to the favored few They thrust themselves forward as the defenders of the good people but prey upon their substance all the while They pretend to watch over the interests of the country but mean all the while the interests of party They assume to possess all the statesman ship and wisdom of the age but their statesman ship and wisdom are low cunning and brazen igno rance They affect not to proscribe men for their sake while they punish every man who doesnot consort with them in their political de signs and purposes Thej' go about preaching against political vices while they are sepulchres within The whole existence of the Democratic party is a deception The body itself has two faces It is double minded It requires men to worship truth and untruth at the same time It is a system of pledge breaking from beginning to This is the spirit in which second Wash of George Washington forgive the profanation) is now administering the Govern ment Ruttla and TurUey The great Catharine bad a finger post setup in her dominions with this significant linej Road to Constantinople Anyone whp will turn their eyes to the dominions of the Emperor Nicholas will see the most active preparations mak ing to take to that road they have been making these preparations for the last ten years and when the first gun is fired from the banks of the Danube look out for a war which as the Duke of Welling ton once said not be a small The war against the Circassians for some years back was to conquer and secure the opening to another road for Russia: one of equal importance in the com pletion of the gigantic plansof Road to Hindostan Mr Norris of Philadelphia has by this time constructed 200 locomotive en gines a railroad from the heart of Russia has been completed to the Black ISea a lateral cut will reach the Danube a large squadron well equipped is within sight of the Sea of Mamore Russian troops in different quarters are marching upon Wallachia and Moldavia gun boats are getting ready to go down the Danube: an alliance offensive and defen sive has been formed between Austria and Russia the combined forces will amount to a million of men with a battery of 500 pices of and what is to be done with this army more poxverful than that of Xerxes To drive the Turks out of Europe in to Asia: and when Italy and Germany are tranquil then the great bloxv will be stride But will it be successful It cannot be otherwise a rench army can only reach the confines of Turkey through the Austrian dominions and they will not be per mitted to cross that territory England cannot transport an army except by sea a navy can go up the Dardanelles and stop the egress of the Russian navy but before the necessary preparations can be made to protect the integrity of the Ottoman Porte Russia and Austria will be in possession of Constantinople True it is that Tur key will have on army of 300000 men on the fron tier and a navy of forty ships besides one hundred thousand men from Egypt and very considerable resources besides a single conflict might check the advances of Russia alone but the allied powers will move with such celerity and promptness from diffe rent points that they will be under the walls of Con stantinople before Turkey willl have herallies to unite with in defence ot the Empire XV see no hope therefore of saving Constantinople if this alliance is made with Austria and as the Austrian Minister has left Constantinople in anger it may be said that a quasi war already exists between the two governments How far the threats of England and rance may check the movements of Russia remain to be seen but if Russia is determined to go on we may look out shortly for stirring events Star 1 11 1 LARD The be ever offered in thia market for sale by the bbl mar8 JOHN CHESTER A CO CONDITION POWDERS A tbe best remedies in tbe world for all diseases of Horses Cattle for sale by A HILL spill Aftnufor daily free press WEDNESDAY MORNING MAI 9 Givings ont for a Government Hank The Washington correspondent of the Baltimore Sun has the following in relation to the Government Bank anil Government Bankers is now pretty generally understood that there is to be established here in Washington a new banking house so far as to denominate it tbe Go vernment and the persons controlling it government It may be remem re that Hon Andrew Stewart used to tae great de light apparently in always bestowing this title upon Messrs Corcoran 4c Riggs when they we engaged in loaning money in the government a borrowing from it We have no objection to the named but must certainly demur to the assertion that has been made that these whoever the may be come here to upon business at in stigation or under the auspices of the I real en the United States In our judgment Gen ay lor neither knows nor cares whether bank or a dozen shall be established at the seat ment Mr Jaudon (well known in the financial world) Mr Blatchford and others will commence banking operations very This Mr Jaudon says the Ohio Statesman figured in the old bank of the United States as its Cashier during the time it made war upon the Administration Previous to its up he was sent to London as its agent at a very large sa lary tion placed Mr Jaudon on the same ciers with Nicholas Biddle or the present this Government without law a sort of fungus on tbe be feed with pap from the Department until the In dependent Treasury law can be repealed and a Congress procured a majority of which will bow to Executive dictation sufficiently low to give it a character and thus secure to themselves an im mortality of infamy When whiggery rode into power in 1840 it was on a pledge of opposition to a charter of a Bank of the United States Daring the first Con they violated their pledges and passed two bills for Government Banks both of which were vetoed by Capt Tyler The givings out in the above article from the will show that whiggery lacks the power not the inclination to give the people another Bank to rob them and the government as did the one controlled by Nich olas Biddle Jaudon and Co Whissjery in Principle and in Practice Wliiffo erv used to consist when out of power in denouncing the doctrine that the victors be long the but now when in power by the false pretences of its Presidential candidate whig gery consists in practicing upon the principle that the victors belong So far the only practical measures of second Washington have been to turn democrats out of office and put whigs in tlieir places lie Ohio The of Ohio Giddings leader resolved at their meeting at Cleveland on the 2nd ult on a separate third party organization throughout the State The following are some of the resolutions offered by Mr Giddings and adop ted by the Convention Resolved That the ree Democrats of the West ern Reserve will firmly adhere to the principles proclaimed at Buffalo Aug 10 and at Columbus Dec 29 1849 Resolved That discarding all alliance with any other party we will court an union with all men upon these principles for the sake of freedom Resolved That the unity of the party and its harmonious action throughout the State demand a central organ Resolved That we hear with pleasure that Messrs Tappan and Garrard propose establishing a paper at Columbus and that we commend it to the hearty support of the ree Soilers of the State The Buffalo Piatforxi Hon Joseph White the great Clay orator of New York city in a speech at the Clay festival there lately made the following remark in regard to the Platform of the which they talk so much about We made a large portion of it and ought to know what it is made of I have one word to say in conlusion about it I defy any man whig democrat abolitionist freesoiler native American federalist or locofoco call him what vou will to take that Buffalo Plat form and POINT TO ONE SINGLE SEN TENCE ONE SINGLE LINE ONE SINGLE WORD THAT IS NOT WHIG ROM BEGIN NING TO END 1 had something to do with the preparation of it and I ask all who know me if I am apt to write anything locofoco in its tenden TO JOURNEYMEN The sotr wriher xx ill seat four hands permanently at his shop io NortS vi'lc Wayne Mich if applicaiion be made soon ni4 dtit xx3t a LUMSTEAD AjrT A large and beautiful assortment wa CAsistmg in part of Neapolitan rench lutce Princess Royslw Jenny Lind China Pearl Birds Eye Openwork DunstsWr with a large varietyof Children's (or sU by GEO PEASE A my4 55 Woodward Avenue ACME LINE HAVING established the above named reighting lane to the North and est via Albany and Buffalo we are prepared to forward any quantity of goods giving receipts for price Through by Railroad and Steamboat KTMark goods "Acme Lite" GREENE A CO niy4 3tn No 7 Wail St New York JJ SALE The Uniform and Equipments complete ofihe military company known as the Brady Guards will be sold Ijjcheap on application to tbe subscriber m4 4w GEO DOTY Jeweler Jeff Ave AS IG INE! WELLS A CO AND LI KINGSTON A ARM would inform tlieir customers and the publio tliat in cot uection with their regular Express by Mail Trainsuf CatBsthq have made arrangement to forward goods by Height Trains the several Rail Roads mentioned above and clai Boa on tbe lAke? and Rivers 1 Good? sent by this Line will have much dispatch by ttf other Express or reight Line running out of Nev lower rates Our arrangements for Ak ssengers and Local at all the town on the entire route give us advantage not sensed by any other Line Mark Goods REIGHT and deliver on Line foot of Courtland bt Tmtoron Rtrrm for Prices tc will be given at the Office No IV Wall OSTRANDER Agent No 10 Wall St ml lm JAMES ARGO Agent Detroit TO It 1LXT The Woud Store formerly oecnpied ty John Moore on Woodward Avenue or particohnea JKlBsquire of m3 AS RAGG Patent ire Proof Paint THIS EXTRAORDINARY SUBSTANCE issold in fine pwr der and mixed with Linseed Oil to the consistency of tittd pail and applied with a brush and aftr an exjioure of a few months the coating turns to slate or stain protecting whatever! covers from the action of the atmosphere and from fire I woaii caution the miblic to LOOK OlJT OR I RAlID at frv months past several individuals have hern grinding and send'ng to a distance all kinds of worthless stutr railing it all good fire proof paint Now I will state to the public that no one can tey and the powder tn make the slate (unless from me Or rcy agents) without infringing upon my parent and 1 have instrueH mv airrnts throuchaut ibe country to take tire name and one who shall infringe upon my rights as I shall call up on them to settle with and pay me for the infringement and hp they refuse I shall commence suit? at law against them Tbe public therefore lobe safe will be articular tu see that they buy of my agents and that every barrel is marked ft tent ire Proof The genuine article ofdifierrnt colors han at all limes beW ofE A BRUSH Emj THEO EATON Jeff Avenue at I at the Warehouse of CHESTER CO Ietroit I Alt letters addressed to the Patentee at Akron Ohio will meet I prompt attention myS WM BLAKE WATCHES AMb NEW GOODS and a large assortment 1 GEO DOTY m4 2w Jefferson Avenue I amp Bajik of Micihcan Detroit May 5 A genera! meeting of the lockliolder of this Bank will be held at their Banking House in the city of De troit oil Monday the 4tli day of June neat at 12 o'clock noon for the transaction of businew and the election of Directors to serve for the ensuing year Uy order: m9dtd EjC LITCHIELD Cashier ICE LOUR for sale by iny PARKER BRO QOAP CANDLES 100 boxes for sale by myS PARKER 6c BRO PORT DETROIT ARRIVED Arrow At wood Sandusky John Owen Davis Toledo 1 Brothers EberU Auffieilburg I Hastings McEw an Chatham 14 1 Chalauque Eastbruok Huron i Pi 8eneca Bury Pt Huron Bf rscur Hunt ake Buffalo Macomb Htll Sandusky CLEARED Arrow Atwood Bultt'o Moore Gallageer Pt Huron Hollister Dustin Toledo Brothers Eierls Chatham Seneca Berry Amherstburg Wolcott Brooke Dresden Cnited Day Toledo Lexihgton Randall Buffalo Schr Meteor Vamnauer Buffalo Empire State Hazard Chicago for 7 hides dry oats 21 sei by propeller dour 25 pork and beef by propeller 1 ne rate fig Aew Yorks Buffalo Cincinnati Chicago ft St Louis EXPRESS 4th inst of a lewofthe principal articles are heat tu 326316 loer Beef bbls 7515 Pork Hams 345 luird hhds 22 Talloxv les 96 Butter Sugar bbls rx urs Hides No 6656 Wool This leaves about one half of the what jn.

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Name: Kieth Sipes

Birthday: 2001-04-14

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