Bristol Herald Courier from Bristol, Tennessee (2024)

TWO--FIRST SECTION THE BRISTOL HERALD COURIER, BRISTOL, VIRGINIA-TENNESSEE. SUNDAY MORNING, JUNE 28, 1936. LICENSE PROVISION IRKING SPORTSMEN Hunters, Fishermen Must Visit Abingdon to Secure Their County Permits Sportsmen in Bristol and the lower end of Washington county, who have heretofore purchased their county hunting and fishing licenses from the city court clerk in Bristol, must now go to the circuit court clerk at Abingdon to secure their permits. Under a new law, sponsored by the state department game and inland fisheries and passed at the, recent session of the legislature, thee city court clerk is no longer permitted to issue the county hunting and fishing licenses. They must be secured from the circuit court clerks.

The season for bass fishing opens on Wednesday, July 1, and fishermen from this section of the county can secure their licenses only at Abingdon. All state and non-resident licenses, however, as usual are to be secured from Dan Drinkard, at the city clerk's office in Bristol, Va. These licenses include the following: state hunting and fish. state fishing state hunting licenses, li- a new license, cense, also new, non-resifishing, non-resident hunting and fishing, and non resident fishing for two consecutive days, $1. Sportsmen in this vicinity are expressing dissatisfaction with the new law, due to the inconvenience of traveling to Abingdon for their county licenses.

SCHOOL BOY DROWNS To The Herald Courier. JENKINS, June Mullins, 13-year-old school boy of Massey Bottom, drowned in the Big Sandy river yesterday afternoon while swimming with a group of playmates. Mullins, diving into 18 feet of water, never, came up. Divers recovered body in a short time. He is survived by his parents.

Everything Is Mere Opinion You, not we, dictate the funeral cost. And whatever cost you choose our service is the same: complete, dignified and friendly. BLEVIAS FUnERAL HOmE MI MOONE ST. PHONE 1299 DEATHS and FUNERALS MENINGITIS IS FATAL TO BOBBY PHILLIPS Bobby Phillips, 7-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs.

L. W. -Phillips of Elizabethton, the grandson of Mrs. W. H.

Cox of "Maplehurst," Bluff City, died yesterday at the Baptist hospital in Winston-Salem, N. C. Death was caused by spinal meningitis. Bobby was enrolled in Camp Sulliviana near Winston-Salem when stricken. His parents were notified Friday evening of his serious illness and left immediately for Winston-Salem.

Funeral arrangements had not been made last night. ROY SAYLOR Special To The Herald Courier. WHITESBURG, June Roy Saylor, 40, of the Caudill's Branch section of Rockhouse, died at his home Friday after several days' illness. Surviving his widow, five children, brothers and two sisters. Funeral was from the residence and interment took place in the local cemetery.

MOLLIE WILDER Special To The Herald Courier. INMAN, June Molly Carr Wilder, 66, died at her home here this week, following a long illness. Surviving are. her father, George W. Carr of Mooresburg, her husband, James E.

Wilder; four daughters, Minnie Wilder of Inman, Mrs. Jessie David of Inman, Mrs. Susie Kelly Appalachia, and Mrs. Horner of Imboden, and two sons, James and Richard Wilder of Inman. Funeral services were held at the Exeter cemetery with the Rev.

Brooks of Norton officiating, assisted by the Rev. and Mrs. Caudill. MRS. JOHN W.

LYONS Special To The Herald Courier. ABINGDON, June 27. Abingdon will pay its last respects Sunday to one of its oldest residents, Mrs. John W. Lyons, 78, who died her home at 3:45 a.

m. Friday after a lengthy illness, du ducted Funeral at 2:30 services o'clock will from con- the Methodist church, the Revs. J. R. Brown, J.

G. Patton and Paul Blankton officiating. Interment will follow in the Knollkreg cemetery. pall bearers: Dr. George F.

Grant, C. C. Thayer, John Kreger, Con T. Greer and Hal Clark. Honorary pall bearers: Judge P.

W. Campbell, Dr. Mike Hines, C. L. Sandoe, Irvin Minnick, Arthur.

Clark, R. C. Craig, F. P. Repass, W.

F. Robinson, L. S. Felty, T. L.

Hagy, J. V. Lyon, J. L. Kent, H.

P. Blount, D. F. Clark, M. Keeler, D.

M. Cosby and John Henritze. Flower bearers: Mrs. W. F.

Buchanan, Mrs. Ray Sandoe, Mrs. H. P. Blount, Mrs.

D. F. Clark, Mrs. John Henritze, Miss Hattie Kent, Mrs. George Crowe and Mrs.

Ethel Adams. Mrs. Lyons, a native of Giles county, is survived by her husband, publisher of the Journal-Virginian, three sons and one Lyons and Mrs. Candi McCarthy, daughter: H. Lyons, Henry M.

all of Abingdon, Charles W. Lyons of Sacramento, California, who arrived in Abingdon Friday a hours after his mother's demise, ORBY YO FIELDS Special To The Herald Courier. JENKINS, June 27-Orby Fields, 36, widely farmer of the Line Fork section, died at his home late Thursday after a prolonged illness. His wife and seven children survive. WILLIAM M.

MORGAN Special To The Herald Courier. JENKINS, June in this county have received word of the death in Oklahoma City 0 of William M. Morgan, 70, formerly a widely known educator and teacher of Letcher county. Mr. Morgan, who taught school in Letcher county for many years, was a brother of John P.

Morgan of Mayking and Isaac, Morgan, of Colly, E. T. SMITH E. T. Smith, 55, died at his home at 33 James street at o'clock last night.

He is survived by his widow and two sons, Dwight W. Smith, of Bristol, and E. E. Smith, of Washington; a grandson, Ross T. Smith; two brothers, George F.

Smith, of Florida, and John F. Smith, of Morristown; and one sister, Mrs. Mary Pierce, of Ocean Point, N. J. The body is at the Huff-Cook funeral home pending the completion of funeral arrangements.

GARNER VIGOROUSLY PLEDGES FEALTY TO DEMOCRATIC CAUSE (Continued from Page One) had seen such a national dignitary. They were distressed because be insisted on putting the exact amount. of sugar and cream in his coffee by himself. Written. Speeches Shunted Aside -Although Senator Robinson of Arkansas had prepared and made public a speech of considerable length notifying President Roosevelt of his nomination tonight, he never delivered it.

Instead, he merely spoke one sentence, saying it was his privilege to inform the chief executive that he was again the nominee, He said he did this to save time, and his manuscript stood. as a statement expressing his sentiments. Similarly, a speech notifying Vice President Garner had been given out by Senator Barkley of Kentucky. But he could present tonight, and Senator Harrison of Mississippi, delegated to read it, compressed it to a few words. LOST TASTE WINS UPPER SANDUSKY, June 27.

(AP)-A common pleas jury awarded L. Calvin Barnett 976 because he lost his senses of taste and smell in an automobile accident. English Small Home National Plan Service No. 1066-C Not an inch of space wasted here, yet every room is large enough to be cozily comfortable and the interior is particularly well planned. Dimensions Size of main building 22'0" Size Over All CHAMBER "CRIMBER Ceiling Height 1st Floor 8'6 xilip' 1056 Ceiling Height 2nd Floor Ceiling Height Basem*nt Total Cubage 10,400 cubic feet.

KITCHEN I Let us give you an estimate on building, remod. ROOM LIVING eling or re- DINING ROOM W6 x1510' pairing 90 it will place you 1056 under no CLO obligation. STOOP Ask About Our Easy Payment Plan! Bristol Builders Supply Co. "We Sell Coal" Lee-Moore-Scott Sts. Phone 638 1505 Bristol, Va.

CHILD CLINIC I IS IN DIRE NEED OF ASSISTANCE Financial Aid Necessary If Work Is to Continue Immediate financial aid is necessary to assure the continued operation of the underprivileged children's clinic on Cumberland street, Chief of Police J. F. Ingoldsby, of Bristol, said last night. Fourteen children are under the care of the clinic at present, bringing the total to approximately 100 that have been cared for since the project was put into operation. In every case remarkable progress has' been noted in the physical development of the child, and as their health has improved, the children have become more alert, need mentally.

a little more than $40 to pay our help," Chief Ingoldsby stated, "and there's a telephone bill of $12.50 to be taken care of." Chief Ingoldsby launched the project "on his nerve" because he saw the great need for it, and he has been confident that the citizens of Bristol would not let such a worthwhile project die for the lack of the comparatively small cost of monthly operation. Public health nurses state that the. lives of at least three children have been saved by the careful treatment received at the clinic. FOUR PERISH WHEN PLANE HITS LAKE (Continuea from Page One) established the model number4726-of the ship. The Floyd Bennett officials then crashed, were able to give the names of the passengers.

At Burlington, Monez said plans were being made to organize a salvaging operation spot about a mile and a half off the New York shore, but he had no idea that the salvaging party could get away before tomorrow. HITS MONOPOLY IN HIS SPEECH ACCEPTING THE PARTY'S NOMINATION (Continued from Page One) of fealty, I gave four years ago." Repeated To the president. and vice president were given A five minute ovation when they entered the field, Garner, in a blue striped suit, short was interrupted frequently by bursts of applause as he talked, particularly when he mentioned the name of Roosevelt. He had some trouble with his manuscript, and missed his place once, causing him to peer closely through the horn-rimmed spectacles. Some of those who cheered tonight were still a rain that fell before But as the New Deal chieftains arrived, a thin moon broke through the clouds.

This meeting tonight made political history. Never before has a major party nominated its president and vice president, notified them, and received their speeches of acceptance in the same day. Roosevelt was renamed early today; Garner this afternoon. Senator Barkley of Kentucky, the convention keynoter, who was to have notified Garner, salied for Europe this afternoon. His place was taken by Senator Pat Harrison of Mississippi.

He cut Barkley's speech to a few words Political tyranny was "wiped out" in the, revolutionary war, but since that struggle, President Roosevelt said, "men's inventive genius released new forces in our land: which reordered the lives of our people." He continued: "The. age of machinery, of railroads, of steam and electricity; the telegraph and the radio; mass production, mass distributionall these combined to bring torward a new civilization and with it a new problem for those who would remain free. "For out of this modern civilization economic royalists carved new dynasties. New kingdoms were built upon concentration control over material- things. Through new uses of corporations, banks and securities, new machinery of industry, and agriculture, of labor and undreamed of by the fathers -the whole structure of modern life was impressed into this royal service.

Privileged Princes Reached For Control "There was no place among this royalty for our many thousands of small businessmen and merchants who sought to make a worthy use of the American system of initiative and profit. They were no more free than the worker or the farmer. Even honest and progressiveminded men of wealth, aware of their obligation to their generation, could never know just where they fitted into this dynastic scheme of things. The "privileged princes," he continued, "reached out for control." of the government itself. "They created a new despotism and wrapped it in the robes of legal sanction." he said.

"In its service new mercenaries sought to regiment the their labor and their properties. And as a result the average man once more confronts the problem that faced the minute men. "The hours men and women worked, the wages they received, the conditions of their laborthese had passed beyond the control of the people, and were imposed by this new industrial dictatorship: The savings of the average fan.ily, the capital of the small businessman, the investments set aside for old ageother people's money--these were the tools which the economic oyalty used to dignify itself in. "Those whe tilled the soil no were The small measlonger reaped, the rewards which ure of their gains was decreed by men in distant cities. "Throughout the nation, opportunity was limited monopoly.

Individual initiative was crushed in the cogs of a great machine. The field open for free business. was more and more restricted. Frivate enterprise became too private. It became privileged enterprise, not free enterprise.

"Against economic tyranny such as this, the citizen could only appeal to the organized of the government. The of 192: showed up the despotism for what it was. The election of 1932 was the people's mandate to end it. Under that mandate it is being ended." FARMER REALIZES DREAM OF WEALTH (Continued from page 1) the postmark the package bore. "There must have been a mistake," he said, at the same time proclaiming Mize would get two new brick churches if the money tourned out to be his.

The denouement came today. Miss Kendall Eaton, Belhaven college student, said a brother of the winner told her of the transfer. Previously it was announced the bonds had been sent to postal inspectors at New Orleans. Ford paid $2.50 for his winning sweepstakes ticket. LIVESTOCK STARVE IN DROUGHT REGION (Continued from page 1) cial drought committee, instructed to proceed immediately with a plan of coordination.

Jess W. Tapp, assistant AAA administrator, was named chairman of the committee. Four others appointed by Secretary Wallace were C. W. Warburton, director of the agricultural extension service; Hugh H.

Bennett, chief of the soil conservation service; A. G. Black, chief of the bureau of agricultural economics; and W. V. Callander, assistant, AAA Bailey, assistant administrator.

resettlement administrator, also will serve with the committee. Wallace named the committee after a conference with President Roosevelt at which drought conditions so far this year were described as bad as during the alltime record drought of 1934. BABY FOUND REIDSVILLE, N. June 27. (P)-Authorities today were engaged in efforts to discover the parents of a six-month-old baby girl who Mr.

and Mrs. J. D. Moore found on their front porch last night. The child was dressed in expensive clothing, and with it was a typewritten note asking Mr.

and Mrs. to adopt it. They indicated they would if the parents are not found. ERWIN VOTERS RE-ELECT INCUMBENT ALDERMEN Special To The Herald Courier. ERWIN, 27.

W. H. Wright and Paul M. Britt were re-elected today to the Erwin board of mayor and aldermen and Dr. J.

L. Monroe, running second in the race between five candidates, was chosen as a new member of the governing Wright received 284 votes, Monroe, 280, and Britt, 223. Unsuccessful candidates were Casey Duncan, who polled 191, and Ward Meyerhoeffer, 182. A total of 420 votes was cast. Terms of two aldermen, T.

R. Keys anu Fred Baughman, and of Mayor R. Stack will not expire until 1938. Dr. J.

R. Moody, third member of the old board whose term had expired, had moved from Erwin and wa. not for re-election. The new aldermen will take office on July 1. FRATERNITY ELECTS VIRGINIA BEACH, June 27.

(P)-Leverett S. Lyon, of Washington, D. today was. elected president of the Phi Kappa Psi national fraternity at the closing session of their 39th biennial convention at the Cavalier hotel, Virginia Beach. AGENTS ELECT CLARK LYNCHBURG, June 27.

(AP)Roger Clark of Fredericksburg was elected president of the Virginia Association of Insurance Agents here today shortly before the group permanently adjourned its two day convention. Other officers selected were Jessee A. White of Norfolk, first vice-president; B. Y. Calvert of Lynchburg, second vice-president, and Frank Blanton of Farmville, treasurer.

DOSSER MARRIES EIGHT COUPLES IN SINGLE DAY The Rev. Sullins Dosser, pastor of the Reynolds Memorial Methodist church, believes he tablished some kind of a record yesterday. He married eight couples. "I understand that the Rev. S.

B. Vaught once married ten couples here in one day, but I know that this is at least a new record for me," the Rev. Mr. Dosser declared. "Something must be in the air." "It's just Roosevelt prosperity," a friend told him.

NEW FRENCH PARTY PARIS, June 27. (P) Col. Francois de La Rocque, organizer of the militant political group "Croix de Feu," proclaimed today the organization of Rightist "French Social Party" with a nucleus of one million members. The new party, he, said, would try "for a decisive assault toward the renovation, reconciliation, and reconstruction of France." Leon Blum's Socialist government, to which Colonel de La Rocque and his followers are opposed, recently ordered the dissolution of the Croix de Feu and other Rightist leagues. De La Rocque's statement, appearing in his newspaper, Le Flambeau, denied they would dissolve.

These Patriotic and Progressive Grocery Stores Will Remain Closed All Day Saturday TH JULY in order to give their Employes this deserved Holiday They Ask Their Customers and Friends to Cooperate in Buying Your Groceries Earlier in the Week Watch Thursday Afternoon and Friday Morning Papers for Their Regular Weekly Ad. A Stores McCroskey Stores Fred Hammer (No. 2 and 3) Kroger Stores Piggly Wiggly Little Stores Sanitary Market Mick or Mack Stores Q. S. S.

Stores Vernon McCroskey U-Tot-em Gill is gin: rett ten Mis has Cal Mis a in.

Bristol Herald Courier from Bristol, Tennessee (2024)


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